TRUE let organisations of all sizes automatically generate, issue and store digital blockchain-secured original documents and badges, which cannot be lost, destroyed or faked.

Use TRUE to generate original documents in code; HTML, CSS and Java. They are published on the web and as such they become more than a piece of paper or a pdf. They are smarter and more versatile than documents have ever been before. Below are some of the main advantages:

1. Design possibilities: TRUE digital documents can be animated, 3D, even a video.2. Save Time: The documents can be generated and sent automatically, which could save an organisation a ton of time and effort.

3. Gain Traffic & Statistics: When recipients share digital documents they create valuable traffic and business intel. The issuer can see when a document is viewed, how it is shared and how many people look at it.

4. They cannot be lost or destroyed: Save time and effort by never having to re-issue a document again.

5. Always available: We live in a digital world. You might still want to print a document and hang it on the wall. But if you receive an award or diploma of some kind, chances are you are going to want to share and show it online.

6. Build Trust: TRUE documents are virtually impossible to falsify.

TRUE documents are used in a variety of ways by vastly different organisations. From Universities and Colleges sending diplomas and trans, to National Associations sending certificates and memberships, to Governmental Agencies and NGO's sending official documents and proofs. You can test and send a blockchain-secured document yourself. Go to: