You are a true success when you help others succeed.

Fredrik Moberg von Dannfelt - Recognition

Issued by TRUE-DEMO

TRUE helps schools, companies and institutions to automatically generate secure diplomas, certificates, awards etc. -Basically any type of official documentation.

The new technology makes documents a digital tool, instead of as previsoly; paper or pdfs that are stored in a binder or on a hard drive, to be used only a few times during its 'lifetime'.

Values created with technology include:
1. More efficient document management (saving time and resources).
2. New organic, relevant marketing; through beautiful, popular proofs, which are often shared on social media, and drive traffic directly to the publisher.
3. Build you Brand; through modern, moving and verifiable evidence.
4. Increases security and trust; through documentation that is impossible to lose, destroy or falsify.
5. Save the environment.

TRUE makes it easy and fun to upgrade to the new technology.

Contact us for a demo:

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